Anyway here is a bunch of stuff that here, that at work we have found to be useful that you may not otherwise be able to do with ASMX or may not be aware you could do with WCF.
You can in fact use IoC with WCF, there are some good blog posts and accompanying videos to show what to do and if, like me, you just want one ready to that uses the CSL then The Code Junkie has done it for you!
Dynamic KnownType Resolution
This always erked me that I had to put into the data contract that I knew of other types, it was like really bad tight coupling*. There are a bunch of way to declare known types with the bottom example seeemingly a little known alternative : a provider mechanism
in config
<system.runtime.serialization> <dataContractSerializer> <declaredTypes>...
Data contract with attributes
public class ApprovalRequest
Knowntype provider
The way I have just found out is by declaring a knowntype provider on the service contract:
[ServiceKnownType("GetKnownTypes", typeof(ApprovalRequestKnownTypesProvider))]
public interface IApprovalService
with the following class (change the implementation to suit yourself, this is from some of my demo code, it’s not recommended!)
internal static class ApprovalRequestKnownTypesProvider
public static IEnumerable<Type> GetKnownTypes(ICustomAttributeProvider provider)
// collect and pass back the list of known types
foreach (var module in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetLoadedModules())
foreach (var knownType in module.FindTypes(
(t, f) => ((Type)f).IsAssignableFrom(t), typeof(ApprovalRequest)))
yield return knownType;
With these two little nuggets I have been able to produce a pretty handy little broker service that act as a very basic content based router that keeps the client messages very clean and does not expose any implementation details (i.e. no passing of service or workflow names in the message header!)
*NB: to paraphrase Krzysztof: "Polymorphism is an OO term, not SOA term, so I don't use it, and make my contracts explicit wherever possible." be wary that you are using known types for the right reasons