Imagine if craftsman from other industries called everything basic patterns they used they did by different names. Instead of a butterfly stitch a doctor called it "the sticky skin healer" or a carpenter calling a dovetail join "the zig zag corner"... it just wouldn't fly.
Well unfortunately this is not common in our industry, it is the norm.
Firstly I want to define what "our industry" is:
It is not computer science.
It is, if anything, Information Systems.
We push data around, make it easy for users to persist and transmit data so systems or other users can make decisions, business decisions. All of this is intended to some how improve the bottom line of the client and/or the company you are working for. People forget this. Our job is 99.999% of the time about making money. The Wiki on cucumbers git hub site has a good blurb about defining features and asking "why?" with regard to implementing features, you should get to the following reasons:
- Protect revenue
- Increase revenue
- Manage cost
- Increase brand value
- Make the product remarkable
- Provide more value to your customers
Now this is clearly for a product; I have no problem with team defining what the underlying drivers for
their project, department or business are but being able to see how a feature helps enhance that is important.
Anyway... back to language.
Language and the words we use are very underrated. I think it is possible that, in our industry, communication skills are so rare (hey, we are nerds!) that we trivialise the importance of the words we use. Evans makes it very clear that the ubiquitous language is a key aspect of DDD and the same can be said about whole industries and the language used by the individuals that make up that industry.
This is why patterns books are popular. If I want to have a discussion with a developer at another firm to bounce questions off them, which I frequently do, if we do not share the same language then we spend half the time getting our terms aligned. There is a way to avoid this: understand the common language!
How? Well, I'm sorry but you are going to have to pick up a book or two... OK that's a lie. You are going to have to read a crap load. Hey, we get paid well, I
expect senior developers and consultants (again, in our industry) to have read the books I am about to describe.
This list is an ordered list of pattern books, it focuses on patterns i.e. a language based term to describe a common approach to solving a problem. The language is as important as the fix
- Refactoring - Fowler
- PEAA - Fowler
- Head First Design Patterns -or- Refactoring To Patterns
- APPP - Uncle Bob
- Refactoring Databases - Ambler
- GoF
- XUnit Test Patterns - Meszaros
- EIP - Hohpe
- DDD - Evans
There is also one I really cant wait for and that is the forthcoming
Presentation Patterns by
JDM; which should round out the whole stack.
To be honest this reading list would take the average developer that has a family and a life about a year to read. I'm sorry. Suck it up.
The order I have presented this list in is very deliberate. People will argue that GoF should be first. I heartily disagree. Gof is a
hard book to read, with out having the understanding of refactoring and the softening blow of "Head First" the book is too much for the average nerd. I know this because it was my first patterns book. I have read it 4 times and only the last 2 time I have actually got anything out of it.
Refactoring I feel this book is a minimum in a developers arsenal of pattern books. With this you at least can understand why resharper is doing what it is doing. It defines some basic terms that are low level enough that it is applicable to most developers irrelevant of the layers they work in. Some common terms like parameter object are introduced to the developers language
PEAAAlthough he book references a metric tonne of other books, I think its aggregation of basics is its strength. The 2 book approach is great and the patterns introduced are very basic and high level enough that the are able to be picked up quickly. Read in conjunction with conversations with an experience developer that uses these patterns regularly and the developer should be very familiar with these patterns very quickly. This is a great book for Book Club type discussions too (hint hint @wolfbyte)
Head First Design Patterns -or-
Refactoring To PatternsThese two books are a softer introduction to lower level patterns when compared to the godfather of patterns books, GoF. These are much easier to read and depending on the developer one may prefer one over the other. Ideally read both but read at least one of these prior to continuing down the stack. You may find it odd that the list starts with a low level pattern book (Refactoring) then a high level book (PEAA) then something in between. The pattern described in HFDP and RTP are more abstract patterns that require much more thought than the high level patterns in PEAA eg specific patterns like Table Gateway or ActiveRecord. I also find it easier to show what tool implements the PEAA pattern, eg Rails ActiveRecord or Castle Activerecord, NHibernate as DataMapper (all as examples of Lazy loading) etc
APPPThis book is great at helping developers step up to actually writing clean, readable, maintainable code by showing the patterns that you can use on a daily basis.
S.O.L.D.I S.O.L.I.D is introduced to the reader. Unfortunately SOLID has just become another rote learnt acronym/pattern that is infrequently applied. I have found this does however allow code reviews to now have a common language and not just "um this code looks ugly" type code reviews, which i have been guilty of in the past.
Refactoring DatabasesThis book is in here by necessity. I doubt many .Net developers would get much from this. We have been force feed SQL drizzled in a Table sauce and Views jus and a side of Stored Procs for years. We know Databases, at times, it feels too well. However if you are from a non data base driven framework then this is a necessary read. I'm talking to you Ruby and Java kids. You lucky bastard get ORMs by default. In the twilight of the SQL age this book may seem a bit legacy but if you are truly and enterprise developer you will be dealing with SQL for years to come. I'm sorry, I really am ;)
GoFAhhh. The serotonin of pattern books. If you have insomnia this is for you. Its a great yet boring read, hmm what a paradox. This is just developer tax, its rite of passage, a necessity. Please note that just because a pattern exists it does not mean it must always be used, that it should ever be used or that it is not hard wired into you language. I'll let the reader guess/figure what I'm referring to.
If you have got through all of these books in my mind you have done you due diligence and are now allowed near an IDE.. OK I'm just kidding, but seriously I believe all of those previous books are minimum requirements for some one who leads a team of other software developers or consults. Below are the one you should continue on to if you want to be an above average developer
XUnit Test PatternsBy this stage you should be testing you software. The XUnit book, although not my favourite Testing book (that goes to The Art of Unit Testing) it is the best in describing the patterns of unit testing. Understanding these patterns will help you help other learn how to correctly add TDD to their skill set and firm up the teams language around key terms like doubles, fakes, stubs, mocks and spies; all things that are commonly misunderstood
EIP This book cover various messaging patterns that relate to integrating system. Ideally you should read this book prior to using any ESB type framework like NServiceBus or MassTransit. If you have read this book and are using these patterns without having read or understood the previous books I fear you may have a big distributed mess on your hands. This is a great book but IMO this system you would tend to build using these patterns are most like system that should have been built on the patterns from the other books. If you do any integration you owe it to your self to read this, which means unless you are just doing the integration, reading all the other books first ;)
DDDMy favourite and I believe the most misunderstood book of the lot. This book is not just a code book it a process book. It raises the issue of language and introduces the notion of a ubiquitous language that the team including the stakeholders/SME/Users understand.
I believe this book has pushed what I can produce for a customer to the next level. The code feel more aligned with the business as opposed to just getting a task done. The closer code matches business processes and concepts the easier it can change with the business too.
So there it is. My list of pattern books I assume a Tech lead or Consultant has read, understands and implements. These are not the be all and end all of pattern books but I believe they cover the bases. Please note there are a suite of other books that are not pattern books that I believe are also "essential reads", but that is perhaps another blog post.
Would love to hear feedback,
cheers Rhys