Thursday, January 8, 2009

TeamCity - Late adoption

TeamCity is a build server put out by the wonderful JetBrains team, possibly best know in the .Net community for ReSharper.
TeamCity is a builder that basically take on the likes on CC.Net but aims to make the process a little less painful in terms of set up.
A little painful is probably an understatement. TeamCity rocks!
In about 10 minutes I have a build server up and running, including install time! It was completely trivial. I use a build script (Nant or MSBuild) anyway so all I had to do was point source control, point to the to the script and I'm done. Completely painless.
For those not completely au fait with what a build server is, this is what TC is doing for me:
On check someone checking in code to source control:
  • It gets latest from the source control
  • Builds the code using my config
  • Performs static code analysis
  • Runs unit tests
  • Run integration tests
  • Deploys to a drop location, so our "tester" can always get a copy of what we are currently working on.
That's a pretty basic build process but it is fine for me and our team. I am well happy with the last 20minutes of work, cheers Jetbrains!

1 comment:

Lisa said...


Thank you very much for such a positive reference about TeamCity.

We'll try to do our best to meet your expectations in the future and implement even more tasty features soon. So, keep an eye on our developers community :)