Monday, October 20, 2008

"Im leaving on a jet plane..

..don't know when I'll be back again"

Yep so its my last week here in the UK as I pack my stuff and get ready to head back to the land of Aus. First up will be Perth to catch up with my better half then we decide wether to stay in Perth or venture eastwards and see if Sydney/Melbourne are better suited for us and our plans of world domination.

The plan is to head back to London in the new year, but the with the current climate London is not boding well for us (my partner is in finance), so we would rather be in the sun while riding the "crunch" out.

I would like to thank the team at Channel 4 for having me most of the time is was in the UK. I would especially like to thank the team for placing the faith in me with the VAPS project and letting me run wild on the new architecture & design. I really think it is going to be a lot easier to work with, test and maintain so stick with it.  :)

I would also like to to say thanks to the "London .Net Meet Up" guys the "London DNUG" and most of all the guys who have been great sounding board.

Fingers crossed that the world is in a better state and London is a viable option for us in the New Year. Until then is back to hot sun, cold beer and Water Polo... oh and some code here and there ;)

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