Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Loose coupling: The Illusion

I must say I totally agree with the sentiment Jeremy has here. Loose coupling is an illusion to most of the projects have worked on. The project I current work on has the client UI in a distributed system knowing that we use NHibernate as our ORM. Unbelievable. Needless to saying Unit testing this solution is VERY hard! To me, this is the first place where loose couping rears its head. If you can not unit test a class due to concrete dependencies rearing their ugly head, then its either
  • Deal with the fact that you are not, in fact, loosely coupled or
  • Fix it.
As mention in Jeremy's post having separate assemblies is not loose coupling. At best this forces a direction of flow of control, at worst it hides circular references or creates the illusion of loose coupling. Jeremy doesn't break his solution down to quite the project granularity I do and nor do others (JP Boodhoo for example is know to have very few projects in a solution). The notion is that you are not trying to hide behind the perception of more assemblies == less coupling. You can also separate the single project into multiple assemblies in your build scripts if required. It then becomes a gentleman's agreement amongst the team that coupling rules will be adhered too. Now this is much easier to police with a tool like NDepend.

Currently I am without NDepend so I still break up my solution to multiple projects, for a couple of reasons. I like to be able to visually see what is going on quickly and I like the default name spacing that is then applied (Sure this can be done with folders too). Probably the aspect I like most however is that i can see what reference what at any given time by checking the references (again, we don't have NDepend on this project). By opening the UI project I can now see that Data Access references are made, or there are WCF references in a Data access project. Without NDepend this is my last resort to policing the silly things that go on in the current (and no doubt futures) project.

With NDepend I would certainly be moving toward smaller projects. *Thinking out loud* I think a common assembly for server side (with my default and abstract data access/repository stuff) a server side assembly and a client side assembly. It kinda makes sense. If none of that server side stuff will ever be accessed by an other application or assembly then why break it up? Hmmm...

Anyway, on the path to loose(r) coupling consider a couple of things:
  • Are you using a Test first approach. Although it is not necessary it tends to flush out dependencies early on
  • Are you using a means of Dependency injection? If you are new'ing up dependencies in line then you have just tightly coupled yourself to an implementations. Check out this for a start on DI including poor mans DI, which is still infinitely better than no DI, IMO
  • Code to interfaces not implementations. I always thought this was a pretty obvious statement, but apparently not. Your DEPENDENCIES should be interfaces. Anything you interact with in terms of Actions (ie methods or delegates/events) should ideally be via the interface. I very rarely see a point of having DTO's implement an interface...
  • Stream line code that interacts with the unmockable (file system, DB, WCF/Windows services etc) ; it should be as thin as possible. Try to get your working code out of these classes. This is more of a testing issue, but will also lead to better design.
  • Get NDepend. It is a kick ass tool that i wish my boss would get for me :(
  • Code reviews. Get out of trouble at the first sign, its very hard to "loosen up" an app once the tight coupling has set in.
Loose coupling is a design goal we should strive for but I believe it deserves a bit more than just lip service. Get the team on board an explain the benefits. The earlier this begins in the project timeline, obviously, the better

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